Dionis Group
"Dionis Group” company produced wide variety high-quality alcohol beverages for different segments of market. But as every producer, Company has specialization – goods which produced with particular emphasis – still and sparkling wines. Proud of the Company is still wines. The proud of the Company is still wines such like line of premium Georgian wine “Kartuli Vazi”, Moldavian high-quality wines “Aurvin” and “Dionis Collection”. The best quality grapes, modern wine-preparing and bottling technology are used for these wines production.
“Nisporeni” line is the leader among sparkling wines, it won general recognition in different countries all over the world. Except it there are some brands such like “Bella Pelegrina” or “Aurvin”, which also delight buyers.
Company also produces cognacs and divinos on plants in Georgia and Moldova. Except of cognacs there is a Scotland whisky in the assortment, which bottling on the winery in Moldova.

Dionis Group
"Dionis Group” company produced wide variety high-quality alcohol beverages for different segments of market. But as every producer, Company has specialization – goods which produced with particular emphasis – still and sparkling wines. Proud of the Company is still wines. The proud of the Company is still wines such like line of premium Georgian wine “Kartuli Vazi”, Moldavian high-quality wines “Aurvin” and “Dionis Collection”. The best quality grapes, modern wine-preparing and bottling technology are used for these wines production.
“Nisporeni” line is the leader among sparkling wines, it won general recognition in different countries all over the world. Except it there are some brands such like “Bella Pelegrina” or “Aurvin”, which also delight buyers.
Company also produces cognacs and divinos on plants in Georgia and Moldova. Except of cognacs there is a Scotland whisky in the assortment, which bottling on the winery in Moldova.